Unlock the Secret Ingredient That’s Saved 1,117 "Hopeless Marriages" From Divorce

What's It Like To Work With Us?

Our Clients Say It Best...

What's It Like To Work With Us?

Our Clients Say It Best...

Debra is now divorced but discovering the principles of unconditional love have transformed her life.



Raisha discovered her partner had cheated but quickly embraced unconditional love and transformed her marriage.



Pastor Bill tells his story and the how much the programme helped their marriage.



Amy and her family have embraced the principles of unconditional love and it has changed every aspect of their lives.



“This journey is all about self discovery. The more you discover, the more things make sense. You can then connect to your spouse in a truthful and loving way - better than ever before! The journey is already showing it’s well worth it.”

Phil C.


"Oh my, this program has to be the best kept 'secret' on the internet - secret only because no one wants to broadcast the fact their spouse had an affair, otherwise people would be recommending this far and wide. Truly life changing! I’m almost glad he cheated, no I AM glad!”

Jill Y.


If someone told me 5 weeks ago where I’d be today, I just would not have believed you!

We are absolutely getting there in strides that I could have only dreamed of a few weeks back.

But most importantly, we simply would not be together at all if it wasn’t for the backbone of this course!

Lily B.


I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the greatest gift anyone could have shared with me - unconditional love. You've restored my faith in humanity. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teaching me how to live a life of freedom and happiness. I'll never forget the most precious gift you have brought into my life and marriage. I will continue to practice and treasure it forever.

Lucinda L.


My husband and I were just saying how we wish we had known all this years ago when our girls were young. They are now 27 and 29. I had no idea what unconditional love was until I found this programme, and wish every day I could have that time back with our girls and do it all over again with our new found knowledge. But we know we can pass on this to our daughters when the right time comes and hopefully we’ll be grandparents one day!

Ann H.


My wife and I found your website about 3 years ago and since then we have learned so much more about love than we thought it was possible to know. We thought you just felt it... or not, in our case. But that’s not true at all and making the one time decision to learn to love my wife more each day has been the magic our marriage needed.Thank you Pete, without all this we wouldn’t still be together and loving life like this.

Wes B.




Thank you Pete and Nikki, I just love the way you put things into perspective! I have learned how to handle this situation, get past and over it quicker from you than the all the marriage counseling classes we have attended. Thank God for you both.



Pete this has been a tough old journey but there have been so many highlights along the way to keep me reassured I’m on the right path. And I do know that this is the only path worth following because I’ve tried pretty much everything else and nothing has given me results anywhere close.



Pete has an amazing ability to see where I am emotionally before I have even said anything! He is a wonder and I’m so truly grateful for the love and wisdom he has shared with me.



Pete, your words were so helpful. You were listening to me at ground zero. And your response was spot on. We are beginning to recover and find each other again and that’s entirely thanks to the information you've shared with us.


Natalie B. (PILOT)

My life and relationship have changed phenomenally! I feel happier than I ever have done, and my relationship with my partner has just bloomed! We actually WANT to spend time together now, in fact we can’t get enough of each other!



Becoming aware of all this has hit the nail on the head for me. This is the missing piece that I’ve unknowingly been searching for all my life and I'm so grateful I found this course and you Pete.


Rhoda N. (DOCTOR)

Having spent the last year and a half learning about unconditional love with Pete and learning to take more responsibility for my life, I wanted to continue my journey as I know there is much more that I can learn and discover about ME! I've also been amazed at the changes in my life and my relationship since starting this journey and I want more!!



I just wanted to say hello and say your philosophy and teachings are helping enormously. We thank you and Nikki for being the people you are because I know the road back to love would be a lot harder without you. The special thing about you is that you've taken us down a new road that has made us see what love really is and could be for both of us!

We could not be any more thankful!

Please note:

We have a strict confidentiality policy. We never use full names in our testimonials and images are a representation of the types of clients we work with. Real images are never used to ensure we uphold this policy.