Unlock the Secret Ingredient That’s Saved 1,117 "Hopeless Marriages" From Divorce

Hi There! We're

Pete & Nikki

We help married couples rebuild their relationship on the true principles of unconditional love.

Hi There! We're

Peter & Nikki

We help married couples rebuild their relationship on the true principles of unconditional love.

Welcome To

Over the last 14 years, with the help of my wife, Nikki, I've been showing struggling couples how to create the ultimate marriage, no matter how big the crisis or how wide the disconnect.

Even though this About Us page shares a little bit about us, it's really about YOU.

It's about how YOU can leverage the extensive knowledge of unconditional love and the vast experience I've gained over those years, to finally break through YOUR challenges and achieve the results that YOU have been looking for.

How It All Started.

In 2009, our marriage imploded. Nikki discovered I had been cheating on her throughout our 23-year marriage, and her world fell apart. I found myself drowning in shame, with no idea how to help Nikki through her crippling pain or fill the hole inside me that had driven me to cheat. It seemed hopeless.

Fate intervened when we discovered an author in America who could teach us exactly what we needed to know to rebuild our marriage and repair the damage with the vital ingredient: unconditional love.

Our marriage flourished to a level of connection and happiness we had never known before. My inner emptiness vanished, and I no longer needed to seek validation outside our marriage. I felt called to teach this amazing discovery to others, and Nikki wanted to support me in that calling

Facing Big Challenges.

Like most people, I faced challenges along the way. No journey is without its struggles, but each one shaped me into the person I am today and allowed me to understand the challenges faced by those I coach.

The biggest challenge was being a 'rock' for Nikki's pain. She felt unwanted, unlovable, and feared I would cheat again. She asked questions relentlessly, cried, blamed, and pushed me away. I had to learn to meet her pain without defensiveness and unconditionally love the hurting little girl inside without making her pain about my worth.

As Nikki healed and my own sense of worth grew, the inner emptiness that had been there for as long as I could remember disappeared. The peace we both felt was sublime.

Building The Expertise.

I undertook post-graduate coach training with the University of Chester. Since then, I have accumulated over 11,000 hours of client coaching and pursued continuing professional development. I am Professionally accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and I tell you all this simply to reassure you that you are in capable hands.

Today, Nikki and I have helped over 1,117 marriages transform through the incredible power of unconditional love. In many of these marriages, infidelity had caused so much pain that recovery seemed impossible. Numerous counselors had even advised divorce!

Remarkably, in well over half of these transformed marriages, only one partner initially undertook the work and introduced unconditional love into the relationship. This vital secret ingredient, previously missing, allowed both spouses to heal and grow.

These are not fairytales but they do have the happy-ever-after endings each person sought.

Helping YOU Succeed.

By now you are probably asking yourself "what does all this have to do with me?" I get it, I would too.

What I'm sharing is that...

I did the research.

I consulted the best in the field.

I put in the hours of work so you don't have to...

Now you get to leverage MY knowledge, MY experience and even MY community of people who have all decided to embrace unconditional love and offer support to YOU as you learn to create YOUR own ultimate marriage and move past YOUR crisis.

This community will become YOUR community if you choose to embrace it.

As one member of that community recently wrote: "Some of you are still unaware of what amazing human beings you are, so until you remember that, we will all keep reminding you!"

Your Time Is Now.

Today, Nikki and I have the honour of working with this truly unique and amazing community of world-changers. These rare people are bringing REAL love into their marriages and their world, instead of the fear, misery, blame and contention which used to reside there. And I want the same for you...

Imagine if you finally broke through all the past baggage, the emotional pain, the resentment, the loneliness, the disconnection and the sense of worthlessness to find the level of security, peace and love that you yearn for...

What if that happened and you were able to transform your marriage once and for all into the union you hoped it would be when you first said "I do"?

What would your life look like if you woke up each morning filled with love and joy, then turned over to feel gratitude sweep through you for this amazing person lying beside you?

All this is possible. The next step is up to you. Click the button below to get the process started.

Meet The Team

Pete Uglow


Pete is the guy you will talk to on a Clarity call. He is the one who you will receive all your coaching from and along with Nikki, he wrote all the programmes. Pete is also the coach who works with people individually in the 3 day interventions and coaching packages.

Nikki Uglow


Nikki likes to stay in the background, but just about everything you read including social media posts, adverts, emails and blogs, that's all down to her. Nikki also wrote the programmes along with Pete, and coaches people in the Facebook support group.

Adam Uglow


Adam is our genius support guy. As oldies, we are not that tech savvy and this is where our son steps in and saves the day. Since he started working with us, our ability to reach more people and provide an online presence has improved significantly.